Directory of Embassies and Consulates
Afghanistan |
1st Floor 31 Princes Gate London SW7 1QQ
Phone: 020 7589 8891/2 (Appt b/w 2.30-4pm)
fax: 020 7581 3452 |
Albania |
33 St Georges Drive London SW1V 4DG
Phone: 020 7828 8897
fax: +44 (0) 77 8562 8137 |
Algeria |
5 Portal Way 31 Princes Gate London W3 6RT
Phone: 020 8 752 8068
fax: 0208 752 8061 |
Angola |
46 Bedford Square London WC1B 3DP
Phone: 020 7487 5125
fax: 020 7299 9888 |
Argentina |
15 Ailesbury Drive Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: 269 1546
fax: 260 0404 |
Armenia |
25a Cheniston Gardens London W8 6TG
Phone: 020 7938 5435
fax: 020 7938 2595 |
Azerbaijan |
Lower Ground Floor 4 Kensington Court London W8 5DL
Phone: 020 7938 5482
fax: 020 7937 1783 |
Azerbaijan (Visa Services Centre Ltd) |
19 New College Parade Finchley Road London NW3 5EP |
Bahamas |
10 Chesterfield Street London W1J 5JL
Phone: 020 7408 4488
fax: 020 7499 9937 |
Bahrain |
30 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8BQ
Phone: 020 7201 9170
fax: 020 7201 9183 |
Bangladesh |
28 Queens Gate London SW7 5JA
Phone: 020 7584 0081
fax: 020 7581 7477 |
Belarus |
6 Kensington Court London W8 5DL
Phone: 020 7938 3677
fax: 020 7361 0005 |
Belize |
3rd Floor 45 Crawford Place London W1H 4LP
Phone: 020 7723 3603
fax: 020 7723 9637 |
Bolivia |
106 Eaton Square London SW1W 9AD
Phone: 020 7235 4248/2257
fax: 020 7235 1286 |
Bosnia Herzegovina |
5-7 Lexham Gardens London W8 5JJ
Phone: 020 7373 0867
fax: 020 7373 0871 |
Botswana |
6 Stratford Place London W1C 1AY
Phone: 020 7499 0031
fax: 020 7495 8595 |
Brazil |
Block 8, Harcourt Centre Charlotte Way Dublin Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 4756000
fax: +353 1 4751341 |
Brunei |
London SW1X 8PG
Phone: 020 7581 0521
fax: 020 7235 9642 |
Cambodia |
64 Brondesbury Park Willesden Green London NW6 7AT
Phone: 020 8451 7850
fax: 020 8451 7594 |
Cameroon |
21 Castleknock Lodge Castleknock Dublin Dublin 15
Phone: +353 (1) 4504060
Chile |
44 Wellington Road Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: +353-1-667 5094
fax: 353-1-667 5156 |
China |
118 Merrion Road Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: 01-2196651
Colombia |
19 Raglan Road Dublin Dublin 4 |
Congo - Democratic Republic of |
45-49 Great Portland Street London W1W 7LD
Phone: 020 7580 3931
fax: 020 7580 8713 |
Costa Rica |
Flat 1 14 Lancaster Gate London W2 3LH
Phone: 020 7706 8844
fax: 020 7706 8655 |
Ivory Coast |
2 Upper Belgrave Street London SW1X 8BJ
Phone: 020 7235 6991 Ext 231/240/204/232
fax: 020 7259 5320 |
Croatia |
3rd Floor Adelaide Chambers Peter Street Dublin D08 EE6R
Phone: +353 1 4767 181
fax: +353 1 4767 183 |
Cyprus |
71 Lower Leeson Street Dublin Dublin 2
Phone: +353 1 676 3060
fax: +353 1 676 3099 |
Czech Republic |
57 Northumberland Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 D04 PF51
Phone: +35316681135
fax: +35316681660 |
Denmark |
Iveagh Court, 7th Floor Block E, Harcourt Road Dublin 2 D02 R640
Phone: +35314756404
Dominican Republic |
8 Gloucester Square London W2 2TJ
Phone: 073 9839 3582
El Salvador |
8 Dorset Square London NW1 6PU
Phone: 020 7224 9800
fax: 020 7224 9878 |
Eritrea |
96 White Lion Street London N1 9PF
Phone: 020 7713 0096
fax: 020 7713 0161 |
Estonia |
3rd Floor, Block E Iveagh Court, Harcourt Road Dublin Dublin 2
Phone: (353 1) 478 88 88
fax: (353 1) 478 88 87 |
Ethiopia |
26 Upper Fitzwilliam street Dublin Dublin 2
Phone: 00353 1 678 70 62/3
fax: 00353 1 678 70 65 |
Fiji |
34 Hyde Park Gate London SW7 5DN
Phone: 020 7584 3661
fax: 020 7584 2834 |
Finland |
Russell House, Stokes Place, 6th fl. St. Stephen's Green Dublin D02 KD93 |
France |
66 Fitzwilliam Lane Dublin 2 D02 HP38 |
Gabon |
27 Elvaston Place London SW7 5NL
Phone: 020 7823 9986
fax: 020 7584 0047 |
Gambia |
92 Ledbury Road London W11 2AH
Phone: 020 7229 8066
fax: 020 7229 9225 |
Georgia |
17 Morehampton Road Donnybrook Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: +353 1 905 9575
Germany |
31 Trimleston Avenue Booterstown/ Blackrock Dublin A94 TX94
Phone: +35312776100
Ghana |
104 Highgate Hill Archway London N6 5HE
Phone: 020 8342 7500/1
Greece |
1 Upper Pembroke Street Dublin 2 D02 V250
Phone: +35316767254
fax: +35316618892 |
Guatemala |
13 Fawcett Road London SW10 9HN
Phone: 020 7351 3042
fax: 020 7376 5708 |
Guinea Republic |
2nd Floor, 239 Old Marylebone Road Marylebone London NW1 5QT
Phone: 02037526626
Honduras |
115 Gloucester Place London W1H 6JT
Phone: 020 7486 4880
fax: 020 7486 4550 |
Hungary |
2 Fitzwilliam Place Dublin 2 D02 K227
Phone: +35316613091
Iceland |
C/O Danish Embassy, 55 Sloane Street London SW1X 9SR fax: 020 7333 0266 |
India |
69 Merrion Road, Ballsbridge Dublin D04 ER85
Phone: 00353-01-496 6787, 496 6792
fax: 00353-1-4978074 |
Indonesia |
30 Great Peter Street London SW1P 2BU |
Iran |
72 Mount Merrion Ave Blackrock Dublin A94W320 |
Iraq |
3 Elvaston Place London SW7 5QH
Phone: 020 7590 9220
fax: 020 7590 9226 |
Israel |
Carrisbrook House 122 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4 |
Italy |
63/65 Northumberland Road Ballsbridge Dublin 4 D04 VA89
Phone: +35316642312
Jamaica |
1-2 Prince Consort Road London SW7 2BZ
Phone: 020 7823 9911
fax: 020 7589 5154 |
Japan |
Nutley Building, Merrion Centre, Nutley Lane Dublin D04 RP73
Phone: 01 202 8300
fax: 01 260 1285 |
Kenya |
11 Elgin Road Ballsbridge Dubin DO4 YW13
Phone: +353-1-6136380
fax: 353-1-6685506 |
Lesotho |
66 Baggot Street Lower Dublin D02 FK85
Phone: + 353 1 676 2233
fax: + 353 1 676 2258 |
Liberia |
23 Fitzroy Square London W1T 6EW
Phone: 020 7388 5489
fax: 020 7380 1593 |
Lybia |
61-62 Ennismore Gardens London SW7 1NH
Phone: 020 7589 6120
fax: 0207 589 9137 |
Malawi |
36 John Street London WC1N 2AT
Phone: 020 7421 6010
fax: 020 7831 9273 |
Mauritius |
32-33 Elvaston Place London SW7 5NW |
Mexico |
19 Raglan Road, Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4 |
Moldova |
5 Dolphin Square Edensor Road London W4 2ST
Phone: Appt No: 020 8996 0546 [2-6pm]
fax: 020 8995 6927 |
Mongolia |
7 Kensington Court London W8 5DL
Phone: 020 7937 0150
fax: 020 7937 1117 |
Montenegro |
18 Callcott Street London W8 7SU
Phone: 020 7727 6007
fax: 020 7243 9358 |
Mozambique |
21 Fitzroy Square London W1T 6EL
Phone: 020 7383 3800
fax: 020 7383 3801 |
Myanmar |
19a Charles Street London W1J 5DX
Phone: 020 7148 0740
fax: 020 7409 7043/7493 9649 |
Namibia |
6 Chandos Street London W1G 9LU
Phone: 020 7636 6244
fax: 020 7637 5694 |
Nepal |
12a Kensington Palace Gardens London W8 4QU
Phone: 020 7229 1594
fax: 020 7792 9861 |
the Netherlands |
160 Merrion Road Dublin 4 D04 T283
Phone: +35312693444
fax: +3531283969 |
New Zealand |
New Zealand House 80 Haymarket London SW1Y 4TE
Phone: 020 7208 1138
fax: 020 7973 0370 |
Nicaragua |
Suite 31, Vicarage House 58-60 Kensington Church Street London W8 4DP
Phone: 020 7938 2373
fax: 020 7937 0952 |
Nigeria |
56 Leeson Park Ranelagh Dublin Dublin 6
Phone: 016604366
fax: 016604092 |
Macedonia |
Suites 2.1 & 2.2, Buckingham Court 75-83 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6PE
Phone: 020 7976 0538
fax: 020 7976 0539 |
Oman |
167 Queens Gate London SW7 5HE
Phone: 020 7225 0001
fax: 020 7589 2505 |
Pakistan |
Ailesbury Villa,1-B, Ailesbury Road Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: +353-1-2613032-33
fax: +353-1-2613007 |
Panama |
40 Hertford Street London W1J 7SH
Phone: 020 7493 4646
fax: 020 7493 4333 |
Paraguay |
3rd Floor 344 High Street Kensington London W14 8NS
Phone: 020 7610 4180
fax: 020 7371 4297 |
Philippines |
6-8 Suffolk Street London SW1Y 4HG
Phone: 020 7451 1780
fax: 020 7930 9787 |
Qatar |
1 South Audley Street London W1Y 5DQ
Phone: 020 7493 2218/00 ext:225 (9.30-4pm)
fax: 020 7493 2661 |
Russia |
184-186 Orwell Road Rathgar Dublin Dublin 14
Phone: +3531 4922048
fax: +3531 4923525 |
Rwanda |
120-122 Seymour Place London W1H 1NR
Phone: 020 7224 9832
fax: 020 7224 8642 |
Senegal |
39 Marloes Road London W8 6LA
Phone: 020 7937 7237
fax: 020 7938 2546 |
Serbia |
28 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8BQ
Phone: 020 7235 9049
fax: 020 7235 7092 |
Seychelles |
4th Floor 111 Baker Street London W1U 6RR
Phone: 020 7935 7770
fax: 020 7486 3272 |
Sierra Leone |
41 Eagle Street Holborn London WC1R 4TL
Phone: 0207 4040 140
Singapore |
9 Wilton Crescent London SW1X 8SP
Phone: 020 7235 8315
fax: 020 7235 9850 |
Slovakia |
80 Merrion Square South Dublin 2 D02 YT28
Phone: 0035316619594
fax: 0035316619553 |
Slovenia |
10 Cowley Street London SW1P 3SH
Phone: 020 7227 9710
fax: 020 7222 5277 |
Spain |
17a Merlyn Park Ballsbridge Dublin 4
Phone: +35312691640
fax: +35312691854 |
Sri Lanka |
13 Hyde Park Gardens London W2 2LU
Phone: 020 7262 1841
fax: 020 7262 7970 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
10 Kensington Court London W8 5DL
Phone: 020 7565 2874
fax: 020 7937 6040 |
Syria |
8 Belgrave Square London SW1X 8PH
Phone: 020 7245 9012
fax: 020 7235 4621 |
Taiwan, China |
8 Lower Hatch Street Dublin Dublin 2
Phone: +353-1-678-5413;678-5580
fax: +353-1-676-1686 |
Tanzania |
3 Stratford Place Bond Street London W1C 1AS
Phone: 020 7569 1481 (3-5pm)
fax: 020 7491 3710 |
Thailand |
Unit 43 Parkwest O’Casey Avenue, Nangor Road Dublin D12 Y8X7
Phone: +353 (0) 1 643 6468
Tunisia |
29 Princes Gate London SW7 1QG
Phone: 020 7584 8117
fax: 020 7225 2884 |
Uganda |
Uganda House 58-59 Trafalgar Square London WC2N 5DX
Phone: 020 7839 5783
fax: 020 7839 8925 |
Ukraine |
16, Elgin Road Ballsbridge Dublin D04 NY31
Phone: (+353) 1 668 86 01
fax: (+353) 1 668 79 17 |
United States of America |
42 Elgin Road Ballsbridge Dublin Dublin 4
Phone: +353 1 668-8777
Uruguay |
4th Floor 150 Brompton Road London SW3 1HX
Phone: 020 7937 4170
Uzbekistan Visa Office Ltd |
55b Ossington Street London W2 4LY
Phone: 07948 726163
Uzbekistan |
41 Holland Park London W11 3RP
Phone: 020 7229 7679
fax: 020 7229 7079 |
Venezuela |
56 Grafton Way London W1T 5DL
Phone: 020 7387 6727
fax: 020 7383 3253 |
Vietnam |
12-14 Victoria Road London W8 5RD
Phone: 020 7937 1912
fax: 020 7937 6108 |
Zambia |
2 Palace Gate London W8 5NG
Phone: 020 7589 6655
fax: 020 7581 1353 |
Zimbabwe |
429 The Strand London WC2R 0JR
Phone: 020 7836 7755
fax: 020 7379 1167 |
This information is current as of 12-03-2025.