Travel Insurance

When placing an order with VisaCentral we can now offer a comprehensive selection of Travel Insurance products ranging from single trip European options through to worldwide annual multi-trip policies through our third party provider. All available travel insurance policies have been approved for use with visa applications where required.

Use the VisaCentral Insurance Calculator to obtain a quote

What is covered?

Single Trip & Annual Cover Limits
Section Limits per person
Cover Excess
Cancellation £3,000 £100
Curtailment £3,000 £100
Medical Expenses £2,000,000 £100
Medical Inconvenience Benefit £500/25 Nil
Personal Accident £15,000 Nil
     Death £10,000 Nil
Travel Delay £30 for first 12 hours/£20 for each subsequent/up to £150 total Nil
     Abandonment £3,000 £100
Missed Departure Up to £500 Nil
Personal Property £1,500 £100
     Single Article Limit £200 £100
     Valuables £300 £100
     Sunglsses Limit £125 £100
     Delayed Baggage £100/12hrs Nil
     Personal Money £300/cash £200 £100
     Personal Public Liability £2,000,000 Nil
Legal Costs and Expenses £25,000 Nil
Winter Sports cover if additional premium paid/17 days included under Annual
Ski Equipment £1,000 £100
Single Article Limit £200 £100
Ski Hire £250 £100
Delayed Ski Equipment £300/30 Nil
Ski Pack £300 Nil
Piste Closure £200/20 Nil
Business travel Extension
a) Staff Replacement £3,000 £100
b) (i) business equipment £1,000 £100
b) (ii) Laptop /Computers £1,000 £100
SAL £500 £100
Samples  £250 Nil
Hired Business Equipment 150/500 Nil
Business Money £250 £100

Click Here to view an illustration of the key facts associated with the policies